
Tangany has made it its mission to make digital assets accessible to everyone. In doing so, we always endeavour to be a reliable partner in all matters. However, should there be any inconvenience or dissatisfaction on your part, we want to deal with your concerns effectively and appropriately. To this end, we have set up a complaints management system to ensure that your complaint is dealt with fairly and transparently.


You can submit a complaints report about any expression of dissatisfaction in connection with the provision of a service supervised under the German Banking Act or a corresponding transaction. In order to find a solution for your dissatisfaction about the provision of our business activities, we need the following information: 

  • Information provided by the complainant (first and last name, phone number, postal address and email address)

  • Responsible person to whom the complaint should be addressed

  • Description of the underlying circumstances

  • Any attachments for the contribution to the disclosure of the concern


Upon submission of the complaint, Tangany will acknowledge the receipt of the complaint in writing and respond to the complaint within fourteen (14) working days. If a response cannot be provided within the timeframe, you will be informed of the reasons for the delay and the expected time of processing.


You can submit your complaint by email to or by mail to the following address: 

Tangany GmbH
Brienner Str. 53
80333 München

Alternative Dispute Settlement

If you are not completely satisfied with our handling of the complaint, you have the option of forwarding the complaint to an alternative dispute resolution body. The responsibility for disputes in connection with financial services within the meaning of Section 1 (1) Sentence 2 of the German Banking Act lies with the arbitration body at BaFin. You can submit your complaint by mailing this form to the following address: 

Schlichtungsstelle bei der Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht
Referat ZR 4
Graurheindorfer Straße 108
53117 Bonn