Use cases

Custody & Treasury

Tangany ensures your digital assets are secure, available and easily accessible for both you and your customers.

Tangany's custody solution covers it all!

The Tangany Suite enables secure and streamlined management of digital assets, including storage, smart contract support, and asset insurance. The solution is designed to meet the needs of digital asset custodianship and treasury management, providing clients with the tools they need to enter the digital asset market and manage their assets effectively.

"Our fund's crypto assets must be stored with the highest level of security and regulatory compliance. Tangany has been a reliable partner, offering us a flexible and scalable solution that meets our needs and allows us to focus on growing our business. We love their extremely responsive team and their feature set is always growing. An effective partner for asset management."
Paul OttoChief Investment Officer, F5 Crypto Funds 1

Unleash the Fort Knox of digital asset custody with Tangany's HSM and MPC environment!

  1. Tangany's cutting-edge custody solution ensures the safekeeping of your assets.

  2. Multi-layered security architecture removes central points of failure with FIPS 140-2 certified HSM encryption and a MPC environment that ensures maximum security.

  3. Decentralize risk and minimize attack surface with our hardware security modules and multi-party computation.

  4. Our expert Tangany operations team manages cold wallets, ensuring the highest levels of security and compliance.

The solution for custody of digital assets

  • Multi-token support: Support for 90 % of the cryptocurrency market value, as well as tokenized assets and NFTs.

  • White-label solution: Maintain your branding and stay "face-to-the-customer."

  • Universal Smart Contract support: Easily integrate with DeFi applications such as Uniswap and Compound.

  • Powerful gas tank for all EVM blockchains: Efficiently manage gas fees.

  • Open EVM-connector for private blockchains: Easily connect to your private blockchain with Tangany's Custody API.

  • Unlimited wallets, transactions, and smart contracts: Complete flexibility in managing your assets.

Administration made easy

Tangany Partner Portal: Manage custody and treasury operations through the Tangany Partner Portal. Our intuitive platform allows you to create and manage workspaces, subscriptions and API accesses all in one place.

Get real-time transaction execution

  • Automated API access: Execute transactions in real-time, 24/7.

  • Flexible & scalable: The Tangany Suite supports both omnibus and segregated wallet architectures, allowing you to choose the setup that works best for your needs.

Streamlined treasury management

  1. Simplified management of digital assets and fiat currency, allowing clients to easily manage their holdings in one place.

  2. Streamlined cash and asset reconciliation, enabling clients to track their assets and funds with ease.

  3. Integration with existing systems and processes, minimizing disruption to existing workflows.

  4. Reduced risk and increased efficiency, through automation and strict regulatory compliance.

Leverage Tangany's Settlement API to track users' balances for cryptocurrencies, NFTs and tokenized assets. Clients can easily integrate the Settlement API with their existing systems, such as a core banking system, to streamline cash and asset reconciliation.

Minimize disruption and improve efficiency

  • Reduced implementation time and costs, enabling clients to quickly and easily adopt Tangany's solutions.

  • Minimized disruption to existing processes, allowing clients to maintain their workflows.

  • Improved accuracy and efficiency, through the integration of Tangany's solutions with existing systems.

Tangany delivers all blocks for a reliable, secure, and flexible custody and treasury solution that meets all of your digital asset management needs.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you manage your digital assets with ease.


Checkout our FAQs

Find answers to commonly asked questions and get the information you need in our FAQ section.

  • Is there any interface or application to control and interact with the wallets?

    We are an API-based custodian. That means our partners will have complete freedom after the API implementation. Your front-end and user-interface are in your hands; we stay in the background as the white-label custodian. Tangany as your regulated machine room will power your ideas and products.

  • Are there limits to wallets and users?

    There are no restrictions on the number of wallets or users you can create, but the rate limit varies for each custody suite.

  • Which protocols and currencies do you support?

    90% of the cryptocurrency market value is supported, including all Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) blockchains. In addition, our solution is 100% compatible with DeFi (e.g., Uniswap, Compound, etc.).

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and bring digital assets to your customers