Custody API
Create and manage crypto custody wallets in a secure cloud environment. Reliably submit blockchain transactions via an asynchronous API. Call and execute smart contracts via a programmatic interface.
Go to Docsconst api = new Waas();const {wallet} = await api.wallet().create();await api.wallet(wallet).eth().sendAsync({wallet: "recipient"})Customers API
Handle regulatory issues such as KYC data management through the Tangany Customers API. Additionally one central, API-based administration of your customers for using other Tangany APIs.
Go to Docscurl --location --request POST '' \--header 'tangany-version: 1' \--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \--header 'Accept: application/json' \--header 'tangany-subscription: 18x...' \--data-raw '{"id": "699a9dbb-1f58-46c9-8d9d-a031ea6f187a","address": "0x6412eFCdD4423f166dcF2475770a6764Bbf6bDB2","assetId": "ETH","assignment": {"customerId": "{{customer-id}}"}}'Settlement API
Manage off-chain transactions on a virtual ledger. Save on network fees and eliminate blockchain confirmation times. Aggregate digital assets in an omnibus fashion to collectively settle them on-chain.
Go to DocsPOST 1Content-Type: application/jsonAccept: application/jsontangany-subscription: 18x...{"id": "testing","label": "Production trade settlement ledger 1"}
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IT and Cyber Security
System security measures
Protecting critical systems from cyber threats with proactive security measures.
Regular pentesting of systems
To help identify and mitigate potential vulnerabilities in a system, Tangany carries out regular pentetration tests to reduce the risk of cyber attacks and enhancing overall security.
Regular external audits
Tangany is regularly audited by external third-party firms, has currently a ISO27001 certification and soon a ISAE 3402 certification is added.
Modern oAuth 2.0 authentication
To prevent security breaches and protect sensitive information, Tangany employs a concept assigning individual roles and rights with oAuth 2.0.
Geographically separated redundancy process
To provide maximum security, Tangany has geographically separated datacenters.
Whitelisting of transaction recipient address
Tangany takes extra measures to ensure the safe arrival of your transactions at all times.
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