Release Notes Tangany Suite 1.7

Alexey Utin

Chief Technology Officer, Co-Founder, Tangany

We are thrilled to announce our recent software update 1.7! In this release, we introduce exciting productivity features, usability improvements and efficiency optimizations. Let’s have a closer look at what 1.7 brings.

Total wallet count

Use GET /wallet to query the total wallet count in the current vault

Wallet public keys

Using theGET /wallet/:wallet endpoint it is now possible to retrieve the cryptographic public key of a wallet. Use the public key to e.g. verify a wallet-signed string.

Custom Bitcoin confirmations

The configuration header tangany-bitcoin-tx-confirmations does now accept positive integer numbers to specify a custom amount of block confirmations. This influences the UTXO selection in wallet transactions & balance queries as well as the confirmation status of a sent transaction

Optional Ethereum contract body parameters

We have further streamlined our Ethereum universal smart contract endpoints by making the inputs body parameter optional. This especially benefits smart contract method calls where no input arguments are required

Asynchronous Bitcoin transactions

Similar to our Ethereum endpoints, Bitcoin transaction can now also be sent asynchronously using the new POST /btc/wallet/:wallet/send-async endpoint. This is also very useful for tracking the status of a BTC transaction

Search smart contract events

In 1.5 we have added the ability to explore Ethereum smart contract events and query individual events via the GET /eth/contract/:contract/events and GET /eth/transaction/:hash/event/:index routes. Today we are introducing a new query parameter which allows to find individual Ethereum transactions based on the arguments of the invoked smart contract method. As an example, this simple configuration retrieves all token transactions with a particular wallet as the recipient:

Check out our documentation examples to build complex search queries using this powerful tool.

Sign and verify payloads

Each managed wallet can now be used to cryptographically sign arbitrary strings using the new POST /wallet/:wallet/sign endpoint

Any resulting signature can be either be verified against the POST /wallet/:wallet/verify endpoint using the signature’s source wallet.

Signatures that were generated the default signing algorithm DER can also be verified using OpenSSL:

To accomplish this the verifying party requires the knowledge of the signing wallet’s public key. The hexadecimal public key from GET /wallet/:wallet needs to be converted to PEM format and saved to a file (“”). We have provided an example script to showcase how to accomplish this conversion. Also the resulting hexadecimal signature needs to be saved to file in binary form (“signature.bin”). At last the to-be verified payload text has also to be saved to a file in order to be verified via OpenSSL (“payload.txt”).

Execute the following command to verify a payload against the signature in OpenSSL:

openssl dgst -sha256 -verify -signature signature.bin payload.txt

Array type arguments in Ethereum contract calls

Our Ethereum smart contract call endpoints have become even more flexible and do now support array type input arguments

Make sure to check out our complete change log here and subscribe to our newsletter to stay up to date with our newest developments.


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