Tangany Partner Network — AnyBlock Interview

Martin Kreitmair

Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder, Tangany

At Tangany we value partnership and collaboration as valuable goods and the foundation of our success.

This is why we are building a focused and comprehensive partnership and client network in Europe and beyond. On a regular basis, we want to highlight one of our partners and ask some questions in our interview format.


  • Company: Anyblock Analytics GmbH

  • Location: Mainz, Germany

  • Interviewee: Freddy Zwanzger (CDO)

  • Service: Blockchain Data Insights and RPC Services

  • Category: Supplier

Tangany Interview

Kindly introduce yourself and describe your blockchain journey.

My name is Freddy Zwanzger, Co-Founder & Chief Data Officer at Anyblock Analytics GmbH (https://www.anyblockanalytics.com/) and responsible for Product Development, Marketing & Data Science.
Prior to founding my latest venture, I worked for more than 20 years as a business unit manager in various digital agencies for SMEs and corporates and helped to scale them.

Since 2015, I am excited about the potential of blockchains for various aspects of life and around the globe also deeply believing that data insights will be a crucial element to adoption. I was introduced to Ethereum by my co-founder Peter over dinner and subsequently fell down the rabbit hole as a hobby before making it my day job in spring 2018.

Describe your company and business case — what product/service are you offering to the blockchain ecosystem and your clients?

The Anyblock Index data platform enables cross-chain and real-time blockchain analytics, alerting, and application monitoring on any public Ethereum blockchain as well as private enterprise networks.

Are you more focused on crypto or tokenization use cases?

Neither. We are focused on blockchain technology both in the sense of infrastructure and data insights.

Kindly describe your client base (B2C, B2B, or B2B2X).


In which regions (Europe, Asia, USA) are you offering your services?


Please share details about your partnership with Tangany.

Freddy met Martin at a blockchain conference in Frankfurt and over the following months exchanged ideas about business ideas and startup life in general. This later led to Tangany using Anyblock infrastructure as a client, with an ever-expanding set of services used and the announcement of a partnership.

What issues did you solve by using the Tangany Custody Suite?

Not applicable as the interviewee is a supplier.

What services next to custody do you see as relevant in the future?

All fundamental infrastructure will be offered by professional blockchain service providers like Tangany or Anyblock. Be it basic blockchain access via RPC nodes, data abstraction or alerting on the technology side, or all financial aspects with regards to cryptocurrencies, such as wallets, custody, staking, tokenization, etc.

What are you most excited about (Tokenization, Web 3.0, DeFi, Interoperability, Liquidity, Farming, Layer 1/2/3, SSI, NFT, etc.)?

All of the above! And out of the experience, I think we are just getting started, both with these big topics, and completely new emerging ones. I just love the speed of innovation, the openness particularly of the Ethereum community, and the ability to build on each other’s work. Even though obviously one has to be aware of the risks of “money legos” as well.

Next steps / Roadmap?

We are growing rapidly and hiring for both business and technical roles! This is to get into the growth phase for our Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions (RPC, data, alerting) and scaling our Machine-2-Machine / Generalized Mining business. There we plan to add a number of new networks besides the ecosystems we are already serving (EnergyWeb Chain, xDAI, Chainlink, TheGraph) and continually provide value with data tools for their users.

What are you looking for (funding, talent, network, sales, etc.)?

We want to double our staff and add 10–12 people to our all-remote team by the end of the year 2021. Check out our open positions at https://www.anyblockanalytics.com/careers/! Besides the tech team, we are currently looking for experienced technical writers and a social media manager. And if you are interested in blockchain software as a service as a user for RPC, data, or alerting: sign up for a free trial here in just 10 seconds: https://account.anyblock.tools/auth/signup/.

How to get in contact with you?

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